Russian Association of Oncological Urology
Russian Association of Oncological Urology is an expert medical alliance
Our common goal is quality care for patients with urologic cancers. We strive to improve patients' lives regardless of external circumstances.
Nowadays, the Russian Association of Oncological Urology has 69 regional divisions, uniting more than 2,500 specialists.
Holding scientific events for medical professionals is one of the main tasks of the Association.
The annual Congress of the Association involves over a thousand participants from Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad. The Russian Association of Oncological Urology also holds regional conferences, tumor boards, trainings, and seminars, i.e. events of direct expert assistance aimed at professional advancement, experience sharing, and assistance promotion.
The Association’s activity is also aimed at providing medical professionals with the most up-to-date scientific literature, allowing them to navigate the latest treatment methods and regimens and to benefit from the experience of foreign colleagues.
Since 2005, the Association has been issuing its official journal, the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Urology. In August 2016, Cancer Urology was included in Scopus; since September 2016, it has been indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index).
We support any initiative that will result in better patient care, improved quality of life, and increased overall survival.
We have been working together for more than 15 years, and every year the number of those whose expert support is needed by the medical community and patients is growing. Diagnosis and treatment are becoming more effective and, at the same time, more precise. This means that the value of the professional society, which was the starting point for the Association foundation, keeps growing as well.